As you may be aware, I was recently at the “Hank Marvin Big Burger Biannual” event, enjoying the plethora of burger options available on a beautiful, sunny Melbourne day! Despite already throwing down a beef burger from Skipping Girl Take Away, I was still keen to try another option and make sure I got the most out of the day! I wasn’t sure what to have next and didn’t want to be too over indulgent, although I’m not sure that’s possible when it comes to burgers really?! Then it hit me! In fact, I literally walked straight into it – “Sliders on Tyres!”. There’s always room for a slider isn’t there??

I lined up and perused the short menu while I waited. There were 3 options to choose from – two beef and one pork. I didn’t think it was worth only ordering one, and 3 seemed like too much, so I balanced it out and went in the middle! The 2 options I chose were – 1. “Classic Beef Cheeseburger” with grilled beef, cheddar, onion, dill pickle and burger sauce (avoided the double beef option too!); 2. “Uncle Sam” with grilled beef, smoked cheddar, bacon, onion ring and burger sauce.

I waited what felt like a lifetime, but that was likely only due to excitement at the opportunity of tasting two more different styled burgers. Finally, my order was ready and I found a spot on the grass nearby. Both sliders were served in a small cardboard tray, and looked delightful! Now, the problem was which one to have first?! I decided to go the Cheeseburger. The meat and cheese tasted really good, and so did the sauce. Although there was way too much sauce, especially for such a little burger. The pickle was too much for me on this one. It was almost the same thickness as the patty and in a lot of ways took over the taste of the burger.

Onto option number two – “Uncle Sam”. The beef, cheese and sauce were good on this one too. Plus, the onion ring and bacon were amazing! The flavours and textures were spot on. I didn’t want this one to end and tried to wish for it to magically change into an unending burger, similar to that old commercial for Tim Tams where the packet continues to refill by itself.

Overall, across both sliders, I was very satisfied. A great way to try different combinations of burgers without filling up too much. If you see the “Sliders on Tyres” truck around, make sure you grab a few to enjoy because there’s always room for a slider!!

What do you think of a slider?
TKO – Technical Knock Out – 7.3/10

Location: Sliders on Tyres, Mobile Caterer, Footscray VIC 3011

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